11 & 12 GRADE BUS SCHEDULE 5/13-5/17/19 Please refer to the A.M. bus schedule for 11th and 12th grade students ONLY for the week of 5/13-5/17/19 during NJSLA testing. Bus #70 ExchangeBus #71 Riverside Court and HC Towers (Tuesday & Thursday only Bus# 78)Bus #72 HarperBus #73 Ospray Cove & HC Clubhouse (Tuesday only Bus#62)Bus #75 Roosevelt Ave. (Bus #72 All week)Bus #64 County Ave. (Tuesday & Friday only Bus #69) The pick up time for these buses is 9:00 a.m. Please be patient and wait for the bus. Students will board their regular buses in the afternoon as usual. If you have any questions please call the high school office at 201-974-2033. Thank you! Published May 10, 2019 Print